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Call for Papers - IAMB 2013 Conference, San Antonio, USA Oct 14, 2012
CALL FOR PAPERSThe 14th IAMB CONFERENCE Submission Deadline: November 4, 2012 IAMB is an academic association dedicated to advancing the research, teaching and practice of management and business worldwide through academic publications and by fostering a small conference setting with multi national delegates. IAMB is inviting scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts, extended abstracts (3 to 5 pages) or full papers for presentation. Proposals for symposia are welcomed. Topics of interest:
Best Student Paper Award. Students are encouraged to submit their paper for the Best Student Paper competition award. The winner will receive: award certificate, $250, public recognition and a publication in the International Journal of Management and Business, IJMB. Submission Deadline: November 4, 2012. IAMB - International Academy of Management and Business Page 1 of 1 This article has been placed in the category(s) below: