IJMB Journal Volume 8, Issue No. 1 - Published online
Sep 17, 2017
Dear Colleague,
It is my pleasure to announce the publication of Volume 8 Issue No. 1 of the International Journal of Management and Business, IJMB. You may view this and other issues of IJMB at: http://iamb.org/journal-ijmb/journals/ PUBLISHING IN IJMB: IJMB accepts for publications a few types of articles, all of which are peer reviewed: ** Research Articles
** Case Studies
** Feature Articles
** Short Communications
** Short Research Notes
** Book Reviews
** Opinion Papers To find out more details on the above publications visit the General Information in the Preface Section of this issue at http://iamb.org/ijmb/journals/vol_8/IJMB_Vol_8_1_Preface.pdf The publications of the abstracts is in html format as well as in PDF (in the manuscripts.) This, enables indexing and search of the abstracts by various Internet search engines. In this issue you will see high quality academic papers whose abstracts are offered in 6 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian and Chinese . I would like to thank and to acknowledge the instrumental contribution of the Associate Editors, Francis Blasco, J. Michael Geringer, Mark Eulerich, Jan Schaaper and, Zu’bi Al-Zu’bi and the entire team of Editorial Board and reviewers. This issue covers the following articles:
*** Role of Consumer Knowledge towards Building Services Efficiency in Mexico.
Author(s): Rajagopal, Ananya Rajagopal
*** Human Reaction to Change: The Reality and Impact of Stress
Author(s): Tonja Blom, Rica Viljoen
*** Examination of a Specific Form of Eco-design: The Case of Eco-packaging.
Author(s): Tian Zeng, Myriam Ertz, Fabien Durif
*** Issues in Women Entrepreneurship in India: An Institutional Theory Perspective.
Author(s): P Padmavathy Dhillon, P Shivram Dhillon *** Application of Thinking Process Tools of Theory of Constraints to Initiate a Business. Author(s): Abhishek Jaysingh Shinde, P Padmavathy Dhillon, Dileep More *** Making Organizations Meaningful to Young Adults with ADHD:
Qualitative Exploratory Research Design.
Author(s): Barbara A. Mather
We hope you will like it and that it will encourage you to submit your paper for publication in the Journal. Please distribute this email to your colleagues. All the best, Shmuel ---
Shmuel Batzri, Ph.D. Managing Editor, IJMB Academic Affairs, IAMB batzris@iamb.org www.iamb.org/IJMB
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