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Volume 6, No. 1 of the IAMB Journal is published Jul 28, 2015
Dear Advisory Board Member (Past & Present), It is my pleasure to announce the publication of Volume 6 Issue No. 1 of the International Journal of Management and Business, IJMB. You may view this and other issues of IJMB at: http://www.iamb.net/IJMB/journal.html INTRODUCING NEW in future issues of IJMB: A Short Research Report or Short Communication A Short Research Note While Short Communication is short publication (less than 8 pages) that reports of new findings that have not been reported earlier, A Short Research Note focuses on research that extends previous published research. In both, the time from submission to publication will be short. For more details, read "From the Editor" in this issue on Page 7: http://www.iamb.net/IJMB/journal//Vol_6/IJMB_Vol_6_1_Preface.pdf
We continued the Change in the publication format. The publications of the abstracts is in html format as well as in the full manuscripts in PDF. This, enables indexing and search of the abstracts by various Internet search engines. In this issue you will see high quality academic papers whose abstracts are offered in 6 languages: English, German, Spanish, Arabic, Italian and Chinese (and some in Russian and Japanese). I would like to thank and to acknowledge the instrumental contribution of the Chief Editor, Dr. Meir Russ, and the Associate Editors, Francis Blasco, J. Michael Geringer, Mark Eulerich, Jan Schaaperand, Zu’bi Al-Zu’bi and the entire team of Editorial Board and reviewers.
This issue covers the following articles: *** The Development and Commercialization of Personalized Medicine Applications Author(s): Thomas Crispeels, Ilse Scheerlincka *** Can Both Competitiveness and Profitability Be Sustained?: An International Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Japanese Automakers Author(s): Daniel A. Heller, Mihail Marinov, Yumi Kato *** Ethical Decision Making, Social Desirability Bias and Ethics Training of Vietnamese Banking and Finance Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students Author(s): Ngo Thai Phuong, Greg Fisher, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba *** Insecure, but Satisfied and Committed: The Influence of Household Registration upon Temporary Employees in Chinese State-owned Enterprises Author(s): Bing Shi *** Implications of Changes in Chinese Contract Law for Foreign and Domestic Businesses: The Labour Contract Law (LCL) Author(s): Donovan A. McFarlane
We hope you will like it and that it will encourage you to submit your paper for publication in the Journal.
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