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Volume 11, No. 1 of the IAMB Journal is published May 17, 2021
Dear Colleagues and Members,
This issue covers the following articles (http://iamb.org/journal-ijmb/journals/):
*** Examining a Dynamic Leadership Approach that Influences Employee Job Satisfaction in Dynamic and Stable Environments. Francois Kammoe, Ph.D., Walden University, Baltimore, Maryland *** The Function and the Equation of Sustainability: From the Past to the Future.
Mauricio Vladimir Umaña Ramírez, Jack D. Torres Leandro, Pablo Collazzo Catholic University of El Salvador, El Salvador *** Outcomes of Work-life Initiatives in the Manufacturing Sector: A Systematic Review.
Nana Amma Acheampong, University of Maryland Global Campus, Maryland *** Retaining Millennials in the Federal Workforce: A Rapid Evidence Assessment.
Nana Amma Acheampong, University of Maryland Global Campus, Maryland *** Canadian University Contributions to International Business Research.
J. Michael Geringer, Grigorios Livanis, Rachida Aissaoui Ohio University College of Business, Ohio *** Strategic Investment of Chinese Auto-parts Companies in US Market: Intentions and Challenges in Creating Sustained Competitive Advantages.
Kinfu Adisu, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville *** Comparing Public Sector/ State Owned and Private Enterprises in India on the Proposed ESCHEAT Model: A Novel Approach.
Aman Gupta, Sushil Kumar, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India *** Motivations and Performance Conditions for Immigrant Entrepreneurship.
Radjabu Mayuto, Égide G. Karuranga, Zhan Su, Université Laval, Québec, Canada *** How Does Leadership Motivate Creativity?.
Steven H. Appelbaum, Léa Bélanger, Debanjan Biswas, Simon Branco-Pratt, Anthony Lalande, Akshay Shripathi Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada PUBLISHING IN IJMB: ** Research Articles All the best, Shmuel Batzri, Ph.D.
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