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Call for Papers - IAMB 2012 Conference, Bali, Indonesia Jun 17, 2012
CALL FOR PAPERSThe 13th IAMB CONFERENCE Submission Deadline (ONE WEEK): June 24, 2012 **A complimentary day tour of Bali's temples with dinner to ALL attendees. IAMB in collaboration with Universitas Gadjah Meda, (UGM) and Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Indonesia, are inviting scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts, extended abstracts (3 to 5 pages) or full papers for presentation. Proposals for symposia are welcomed. Topics of interest:
Best Student Paper Award. Students are encouraged to submit their paper for the Best Student Paper competition award. The winner will receive: award certificate, $250, public recognition and a publication in the International Journal of Management and Business, IJMB. Final submission deadline - June 24, 2012 IAMB - International Academy of Management and Business
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