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Call for Papers - Rutgers University, 2019 IAMB Conference Jan 03, 2019
Dear Colleague,March 2019 Rutgers University, NJ, USA CALL FOR PAPERSThe 26th IAMB CONFERENCE March 20-22, 2019 DEADLINE for SUBMISSION THIS WEEK: January 5, 2019. This management conference provides a platform for academics and researchers in management and business to share the latest research and experiences in the European, Mediterranean regions and beyond. Read more... LIMITED PARTICIPATION WITH UNIQUE FEATURES
A student from China wrote" “Attending IAMB conference is a very valuable learning experience, I would be so glad to share this experience with my friends and colleagues.” SH, Dubai 2017 A Professor from Belgium“: "It was a real pleasure to get to know the crowd, and I appreciated the diversity and scope of the presentations.” MTC, Lisbon 2018. Read more: at www.IAMB.org
Organized by IAMB in collaboration with the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. Topic of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas: ** Education Management ** Finance and Accounting ** Human Resource Management ** International Business ** Management of Social Issues ** Management Studies ** Marketing Studies ** Organizational Studies ** Project Management ** Strategic Management ** Technology & Innovation
Visit our website: www.IAMB.orgSend submissions to submit@iamb.org
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