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IAMB Journal - IJMB Change of Leadership Apr 27, 2017
Dear Colleague, I apologize for the impersonal email. We are happy to announce the following changes in the leadership of IJMB, effective immediately: *** Meir Russ will no longer server as the chief editor of IJMB. *** The journal is going through strategic changes that will result in a faster and more streamlined review process. Detailed information is posted on our new website www.iamb.org *** In addition to the Editorial Board for IJMB, the current leadership is: Chief Editor – Richard Dool, DMgt., responsible for the overall scholarly contribution, health of the Journal, editorial policy and positioning/promotion of the Journal. Oversight of Associate Editors will be divided with the Senior Editor Senior Editor – Stephen Atkins, Ph.D., advise on strategy, direction and trends. Help recruit and oversee Associate Editors & Postgraduate Editorial Assistants Managing Editor – Shmuel Batzri, Ph.D., oversees the entire process and manages the finance, operational and logistics processes
All future communication and/or inquiry regarding IJMB, including past submissions should be addressed to me or someone from the above team. If you have previously submitted manuscript to IJMB, you will receive a specific email in that regard. Thank you for your support of IAMB and it journal, IJMB. Best regards,
Shmuel ---
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