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Volume 5, No. 1 of the IAMB Journal is published NEW LOGO Jul 29, 2014
Dear Contributor, NEW LOGO It is my pleasure to announce the publication of Volume 4 Issue No. 1 of the International Journal of Management and Business, IJMB. We changed the publication format. This year we changed the publication format to include publication of the abstracts in html format as well as the full manuscripts in PDF format. This, we hope, will enable indexing and search of the abstracts by various Internet search engines. We adopted these changes to prior issues of the journal as well. The old citation references still work. In this issue you will see high quality academic papers whose abstracts are offered in 6 languages: English, French, German Spanish, Arabic. and Italian.
*** Modelling Employees Suggestion-Making Behavior
*** Effects of Paternalistic and Transformational Leadership on Follower Outcomes *** Voluntary Delisting in Italy: Are Italian Listed Firms Moved by
We hope you will like it and that it will encourage you to submit your paper for publication in the Journal.
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